x ELCA 2024 Meetup

The June 2024 Front-end Coders meetup was at ELCA and we discussed CSS, iOS, React State Management and Frontend Frameworks.

  • Written by Sandeep Ramgolam

Sandeep Ramgolam x ELCA 2024 Meetup

After a few weeks of planning, it was finally time to show up at the ELCA office in Les Fascines, St Pierre for the next meetup. I reached a little earlier and setup the laptop with the help of some very ethusiastic people from ELCA.

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  • Web Layouts with CSS Container Queries - Ophelia Boamah Ampoh
  • 101 into the IOS World - Yogin Kumar Suttroogun
  • State Management in React using Jotai - Adarsh Hasnah
  • Open Discussions - Sandeep Ramgolam & Cedric Poilly

Web Layouts with CSS Container Queries

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Ophelia started the meetup with a very interesting talk on CSS Container Queries. She explained how container queries are different from media queries and how they can be used to create responsive layouts. She also showed some examples of how container queries can be used to create components that adapt to their container size.

101 into the IOS World

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Yogin, our badminton champion and mobile developer gave us a glimpse of iOS development. He explained the basics of Swift programming language and how to create a simple IOS app. He also showed some examples of how to use Xcode and the IOS simulator to test your app. It was a good starting point for anyone wanting to try app development.

State Management in React using Jotai

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Adarsh spoke about state management in React using Jotai. He explained how Jotai is different from other state management libraries like Redux and MobX and how it can be used to manage complex state in React applications. I thought that some of the concepts were interesting and happy to not have to deal with some of the toolings in the react world, because these problems don't exist in the Vue world. While I liked the idea, I still prefer the way Vue.js handles things.

Open Discussions

This was an idea from Gael Latouche who encouraged me to host a session where people could ask questions and discuss any topic related to frontend development. We picked "frontend frameworks" as the topic for the discussion and had a fun conversation about the pros and cons of different frontend frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, etc.

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Big thanks to Adarsh for showing up as a guest on this panel along with Cedric. I tried to be neutral and not show my bias towards Vue.js but I think I failed miserably. You tell me


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Big thanks to ELCA, especially Adarsh and Mishal for hosting the meetup and providing us with a great venue and snacks. Also, thanks to all the speakers and attendees for making this meetup a success. See you all next time! Overall, it was a very informative meetup and I learned a lot from the talks and discussions. I'm looking forward to the next meetup and hope to see you all there!