February Front-end Coders Meetup #1
The 1st Front-end meetup of Front-end Coders Mauritius happened on the 15th of Feb

This meetup was planned since December last year, but unfortunately due to the various cyclones we had to postpone every time.
The weather was great in Mauritius on the 15th and I set out towards Ebene with the projector in my car. Special thanks to Rajneesh who lent us his projector for the meetup.
Nice weather and Traffic jam in Port Louis on my way to Ebene
Reaching there I met with Tristan who was very kind. He was preparing the office to host us. I setup the projector and of course I forgot the VGA to type-C adapter :)
Tristan & Cedric opened the meetup by welcoming everyone
Topic 1: Introducing the plan for the year to attendees.
Cedric introduced how front-end coder meetup usually go and he invited everyone attending to use the platform to present something interesting in the future meetups!
We discussed the idea of having more locations available throughout the island or even having online meetups !
I'm building a home office right now, so when that's done, it'll be easier for me to host the online meetups or even stream.
Topic 2: Open source contributions
I spoke a while about open source contributions to the attendees. I showed some of my projects and encouraged everyone to leverage the free platforms available to developers such as github and netlify to start something in the open.
Then we focussed on the Developers Conference 2020 website and how anyone can contribute.
Break: Pizzas !
The MSCC covered our expenses for the Pizzas, and we're very grateful for that !
Topic 3: Promises and Callbacks
Cedric spoke about promises and calbacks in JavaScript in a very well prepared presentation, which everyone followed attentively. I learned a couple of tricks during this session that i'm going to use from now on!
There was a lot of interactions from the audience during this session which is very encouraging I think.
Job offers on the menu
Two company representatives were present during the meetup and they offer front-end job opporunities to the attendees !
Happy faces after the meetup !
Had to sneak in a picture of myself somewhere
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Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/pSAS8nZ7o4zatDKF7
LinkedIn Post by Cedric : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/front-end-coders-monthly-meetup-2020-1-done-cedric-poilly/?trackingId=yU%2FNNStaTiGIklzP0p3nJQ%3D%3D